Kristen Funk
Director of Finance & Accounting California
San Diego

Email Kristen

Get to know Kristen:

If you had one extra hour of free time a day, how would you use it?
I would bake! I absolutely love baking anything and everything healthy. One of my dreams would be to one day have a little bakery or to start a baking blog, but there are not enough hours in the day.

If you could pick up a new skill in an instant, what would it be?
Hands down it would be to be able to speak numerous languages.

What do you want to be remembered for?
I know it is cliché, but I want to be remembered by the impact I made on others and how I made them feel. I really pride myself on bringing a positive energy to any room and I hope that one day people will remember me by the way I made them loosen up and laugh.